We’ve been in Iran for just three and a half weeks, but this (too) short magical adventure has opened my eyes to a widely misunderstood part of the world and has positively altered my perception of our world forever. This memorable journey will go down as one of those monumental trips of a lifetime. Iran continuously exceeded our expectations each step of the way; from the time we stepped off the plane in Tehran; to the dozens of delicious Iranian meals prepared by the kindest most hospitable family and people we’ve ever encountered; to the intricate artistic masterpieces at the Mosques in Esfahan; to the perfect, ideal, beautiful Persian wedding; to the breath-taking 2500 year old Palaces in Persepolis.

The most enjoyable part of our trip has been meeting and really bonding with Kat’s entire family: Kathyjoon, Baba (aka Don Al), Mamanjoon, Nunu and the rest of Kat’s family. It has been such a heart warming experience. They welcomed us as if we have been in the family forever.

Kat has been talking about her entire family here for the past 8 years we’ve been together and I’m so happy that I’ve finally met them and really got to know them all. They are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

We all were so moved by the genuine kindness of Kat’s family and the Iranian people that we decided to make sure to be extra nice to all of the tourists we see back at home. Next time we see tourists or even nice strangers back at home we will invite them to have Tea or share our food with them or just strike up a friendly conversation and offer to help them. However, with the ‘get ahead’ $ mentality back in America and the way I look, I’ll likely scare more people away than I actually get to help. Kinda sad (and pretty funny), but probably true. Very inspiring though, I will be leaving Iran a much kinder, genuinely nice person than I was when I arrived (not that I wasn’t before ☺). In addition, my perception of human beings has jumped up 10 positive notches!

My final discovery on this magical (Persian carpet) ride through Iran was that Kat and I were Persian royalty in Persepolis in our past lives! I kid I kid, although the comfort and several instances of dejavu I felt throughout the trip really did convince me that I was likely Persian in my past life. Perhaps a Persian camel? Chew chew spit. Me engraved on the wall 2500 years ago?? --->

For serious though, what a unbelievable journey this has been. I’m so happy that our families have bonded, my dad and Kat’s dad have become BFF’s and me and my fam really got much closer to Kat’s parents. As well as all of her Aunts, Uncles and cousins. We all really fell in love with the entire family! Makes me want to have a big family ☺ (right Kat?). Kat, I didn’t think I could love you any more than I did before this trip, but I really fell in love with you even more on this magnificent adventure and feel like you are even more a part of me now than ever before. Ghorbenitzberam! Azizam, toh behtareen doostam, va tanha eshgheman dar een donya hasti, va khakhee bood!

I feel so lucky and thankful that we were able to discover and explore one of the most beautiful, kindest countries and rich cultures in the entire world. I hope you enjoyed reading about and experiencing Iran through our eyes and that you now have a renewed (or the same) view of Iran that is different from what we often see in the media. Always remember to look deeper into anything you see or hear about any country, culture, people, animal, book or anything in this Universe of ours. Always keep an open mind and be kind to everyone you meet! ☺
Love and Peace (in the Middle East)
Kareem aka Karl aka KG aka King Darius (circa 500 B.C)

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